
Saturday, August 1, 2009

If I Say It Out Loud, I Am Committed

I have been working on this for days… because once I say it out-loud… I am committed.

I was committed 8 months ago…

January 1st of this year, I joined WW on Line… for the 3rd time. My husband and I had just booked our 4th cruise and I was determined to not be “fat” this time. Hubby decided to join me on my weight loss adventure so I got up each morning and packed our lunches and after work prepared WW dinners. I hung a chart on the bathroom wall right above the scale for us to track our weight on. We both worked out at least 30 minutes a day and parked as far away from the store entrances as we possibly could. By the time we step foot on the ship three months later I had lost 25 pounds and felt amazing. And Committed!

I only gained 3 pounds that week; which is pretty amazing when you think about how much food they pack onto those ships! We ate as healthy as we could, (most of the time), we walked every night after dinner, and we never, ever rode the elevators… always took the stairs. After getting home we continued to eat well but slowly the exercise routine fell away… then we started eating Fat Boys instead of Skinny Cows. You know where this is going…

This morning I weighed 169.2. That is way too close to 170. And 170# is too symbolic of my old life. I am afraid if I really hit 170 I will have truly failed.

So I am committing.

Last month, for financial reasons, I had to cancel my online membership with WW. But because I was able to maintain my weight loss for 3 months I know I have the tools. What I have been missing is the commitment and the accountability. So you are all going to be that for me now. And I thank you in advance.

Of course there is more to the story but I have already droned on long enough. The “whole story” is not important today… and I am not a victim of my weight. I put the food in my mouth and I spend the evening on the sofa doing nothing… well, except for eating the Fat Boys that is! I have been following a few of the other blogs from the Healthy You Challenge who are sharing their ideas, articles and recipies. I hope to do the same.

Welcome to my journey…


  1. Welcome to the Healthy You Challenge!

    Best wishes to you on your journey!


  2. Welcome to the HYC! We are here to cheer you on and encourage you. And kick your butt if necessary. ;-) You did such a great job on the cruise! I know you can do it again.

  3. Thanks Mama... I really could use the butt kicking today!!

  4. you can totally do this, just take it one day at a time! welcome to HYC!

  5. Thank You Erin... the hardest part is just getting back on the wagon.
